Our classes are designed to help students refine the art of meditation.

Beginners should start with Meditation 101, and then move to additional practices. Classes are Once a Week Evening Hours
Meditation 101
Per Class
1 hr session
Learn basics of meditation
active meditation
crystal meditations
aqua meditations
Begin to see the benefits of the practice
Free booklet explaining the practice
Transcendental Mediation
Per Class
1 hr session
Learn basics of TM
Reiki the beginning
setting the vibe to manifest
Free booklet explaining the practice
Unlimited Monthly Pass
Per Month
includes 4 classes for the month each class
1 1/2 hours. group rate 100.00 individual
Classes expire after the end of the month extended contracts available
Access to advance classes after a month for a discounted price

locations and workshops in Pa, N, Y N.J.DEL
Yoni Detox/Yoni Cleanse
These services are for Mobile Services only
workshop prices only included Chakra Balancing and Cleansing, along with
hands on herbal blends and candle loading. We offer Reiki Classes alone.
Professional Service
First timers
1 hr session
custom mix
personal yoni tub
personal Matra
take home supplies
custom candle
custom oils
Monthly Service
Returning Customers
30 min session
2x a month
persona Herbal mix
Chakra oils
and disc
Custom Oils
second phase full body
custom candle
Second visit one month
from date of First timers visit
Per Week
2 hour session
support workshops
discussion on Woman
cleansing technique
to fit each person lifestyle
working with dried herbs understanding the importance they hold in
yoni and full body balance.
i am my sister keeper circle.
And a Reiki
session using Chakra Disc.
Daily Service
Per Day/ Flat Monthly rate
offering sliding scale fees to be paid prior to months sessions
1 hr session Life
coach session
20 sessions
weekends require an added fee
Zoom or Mobile
mix and match
crystals and chakra Disc are used. Reiki will only be used only if 3# prior in person session has taken in Attunement.