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Donate to a Good Cause

What better way to help your community and world, than through a tax-deductible donation with Full Circle Outreach Ministries Int. This Organization is small, and all of our volunteers and officers are volunteers, the work that is being done is not for show on big T.V., but we have taken some of lives most challenging experiences for others, and help them create a more grounded, confident, and more self-empowered individuals. This is what it is all about, our volunteers and officers know what it is like to have challenges and struggles, and overcome them, I personally make sure the people that I select, overstand from self-experience, that no one wants to be made to feel like they are less than. Many of us have family and friends with deep struggles including myself, it maybe substance, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual abuse. Whatever you might think you are trapped in the answer is within you. We have the power within ourselves to build up and to destroy. Our organization teaches this through self-empowerment workshop, through mindfulness, through under and overstanding knowledge of self, and inner self awareness, we are here to save ourselves, we have the power and the energy to do so. The days of waiting on someone or something to save you are no more, and as a matter of fact, has never been. We have always held and keep things deep inside, but we need to unlearn, what we have learned, we need to do the work the research to realize what is really happening within ourselves when things go wrong, we have to realize every action has a reaction. Through this organization we reach the incarcerated, and their families, the homeless, the men and women in transition, the abused on every level, those in need of community services, and a sponsor or friend, to help them make it over that tough period, we offer transportation to many facilities, and referrals to agency like ourselves, not only that we help newly arriving Citizen with ESOL classes and finding employment, taking many to location to fill out applications, we help those that need assistance getting disability, or homeless individuals to reconnect with lost family members, we provide seeds across the world, and teach Gardening in communities, to help them , help themselves, there are so many areas, that this Organization covers, Help us grow day by day and week by week and year by year, sponsor this Organization through a donation. We greatly appreciate your time. Thank you for visiting this website

peace and blessings. 

Mother meditating and resting

Full Circle Outreach Ministries Int 


Barley seeds representative of growth and health

Take time a donate Today  Nothing is ever to small

Thank you for considering this Organization, a place where you can donate and volunteer see where your dollars are truly going we welcome all  with a big heart and pure intent, to come and be apart of our many departments and workshop is you have a story, if you have over come any struggle and feel you can benefit anyone in any way welcome. Donate today share your story, come with me to the street, the shelter the prison, online volunteer at a sign up table, start one in your area, become and affiliate. everything you need will be supplied. We need affiliates in Wilmington, Maryland, New York and Washington, all work is volunteer. A badge and Credential will be supplied. Each day plant seeds that will grow. Each one teach one

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Contact Us

Vaccination Spiritual Religious Waiver

Membership information

This is the first step in become a member of Full Circle Outreach Ministries Int. Please fill out this contact form and in the messaging area. Please state why you want to become a member of Full Circle Outreach Ministries Int. Our organization has meetings twice a Month in Aston Pa, and Once a week on Zoom. In this Organization, you will be involved with Shadow work, and daily self-inventory, along with your life skills assisting others in their struggles. Being a member means being active in the community and world, you can also gain the chance to become and affiliate. There are Membership dues, that go towards transportation to outreach work and for Meetings, and other cost associated with this Organization. Dues will not start until you have had one month with this Organization. We encourage all our volunteers and members to donate to the cause in the form of time, money and material Items. 

For volunteers we request that you come with a testimony of what you have overcome and be willing to share that with anyone in the same situation, for our member we want you to also know what it is like to have had a struggle and overcame that situation. We must first overcome to be able to assist other on their journey, we offer many different types of Waivers, and we not only help others we offer different types of services to our volunteers, members and officers.

If you are seeking a religious waiver, and you already have a medical exemption please advise us of that on the form


Email Address*


Vaccination Exemption

This is an Affidavit of a Declaration of Vaccination Exemption, different state's well have different types of forms, and have different steps that need to be taken. It doesn't matter what city or state you are in there is a right that we all have Human Right's in the United States Constitution. 


Tax Deductable Donation are Welcome

As of May 2021, our organization is asking for help in the form of financial donation for the first time since this Organization has been established back in 2005, we help and sponsor Individuals to companies and agencies, that know our work. The financial support that is needed to keep it going, please join in and make a donation, we appreciate what every you have to offer. Contact us through email if you are interested in donating to this Organization.  I believe in true 

ccount, Thank you.




Waivers for Vaccination for Spiritual and Religious reason are now available through this site and Organization, please email us, and we will send you an application. Our site and Organization is about finding the courage and strength within yourself to be and become whatever it is you want to be. Life is a choice, and how we choose to live it, is not only a right but it is written, As a member of the World and Universe, we can see and hear, and have full rights to make choices as to what we want in our bodies, Our Organization believes in healing through healthy lifestyle, physical and Spiritual, they both work together and effect each other, Word sound and Power.

To become a volunteer outside of Community Service work, please contact us via email, and you may also give us a call, and leave a detailed message. In the summer months most of our volunteer work involves landscaping, outdoor cleaning, and homeless outreach, along with Prison Outreach.

Because of the Pandemic, we will be doing things a bit different, we will still offer most of our services, but in addition we are adding a few new things. I will Discuss them more when i give my first Cyber Workshop. This is a rough time for everyone, but it doesn't mean all is lost Some of the greatest discoveries come out of devastation and chaos.


Use Meditation to promote Peace & Calmness and Healing

Learn how we can help you reach your Full Potential. No matter who you are, or where you have been Jah/Rah Loves you. All things are created and sustained through Kinetics Alchemy and the undeniable forces of Melanin. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. We are truly in a time of uncertainty and finding a place of peace is more relevant than ever. The Pandemic has created a state of fear in many, and in other a state of dismissiveness, both are extremely Dangerous. One cripples you to the point of Non-Productive behaviors, and the others creates an atmosphere of disregard for the safety of others. One of the reasons you always hear the saying of: "Finding peace," it is because we are living in a hell of a situation. Even in our daily attempts to make peace with others it can be an incredibly difficult thing to do. Sometimes it seems some people don't want peace. this is not true, it's not that they don't want it, it is not easy to find, and most people give in and give up. It is my hope that you will take this journey and learn new ways to live in this world we call home.

Learn meditation techniques for daily life

Hello and welcome, my name is Emprezzeassances Asantaawa Zemorateagle and I would like to share my story with you. This website will cover many areas of Spirituality and Physical  awareness within yourself and our community the world. This site has evolved with me. It began as just an outreach for the homeless, woman in Transition, Men in transition, sponsoring International ministries. Prison ministries, every outreach you can think of, I was a part of. As I grew so did my view and insight on this world. I am a survivor to put it mildly. This is a 2nd generation organization. The originator of this was my Mother, evangelist Lilliann Andrews Teagle. who taught me everyone deserves love and a chance to repair what they have damaged. My mother was a very Special Lady, born with a vale, just as I was, with great insight on things a True Empath, she called them visions. she was a loving and warm spirit. that would do anything for anyone at any time, her life was also full of struggle, being mistreated and abused, from a young child she experienced what most little girls and young woman went through coming up in the south in a church in spite of it all she was a loving and Overstanding Queen she passed this down to me, sometimes it's a blessing and sometimes it's not. Being like this you become a beacon to narcissistic spirits. Who i am lead me become a third Level Certified Reiki Master, Fitness and Wellness Trainer, and a Certified Substance abuse Counselor, along with Certified Life Coach. Many years of Shadow work has lead me to a place of Innerstanding not just myself, but people our people and who we are and our value to this world and yes a practitioner of Alchemy and Kemetic studies, and once you embark upon that you can't help but support and embrace, life nature and how it relates to existence. Fitness and Good health inside out is my entire life. I am here to show you the way to escape the stress of this world, and find that inner peace that is needed in this struggle we call life. I also Assist those in transition in life. which happens to be most of us, Come and take this journey with me

Founder and Director

Our Recent Work

Inspirational message

Sometimes it seems being a good person is under rated i challenge you to be a decent person, and take into consideration the needs and safety of other, don't turn a blind eye, and know that you have the power in life to create what every existence you want for yourself, being caring is vital to having a fulfilling existence, sometimes this is hard, and sometimes you will be hated for it, but you must not turn a blind eye. to deny others you are denying yourself in the process.

Planting a mental and moral seed is Everlasting

My joy in life is not just planting Mental and Spiritual seeds, but also planting seeds literally. You see this is something that benefits others as well as yourself, and the future of those in your life, and even those who have spent a brief  amount of time with you. How we move, our energy said  everything about who we are, at time our words may seem different because of situations or moods, but ultimately it is our actions that seal the deal, its what our Mode of Operation is that tells people what we are really made of , make sure your life lines up with caring and helping. This is never easy, i find the more passion we have for life, the more we are misunderstood, and misused by other, having the Nature of an Empath is a struggle, however there is an internal joy, and it feeds your life force, people will see you and will never be able to deny , the glow the energy the vibe that you have, Jah Love and Peace Kings and Queens

We are Here Campainge

Not forgetting about those that we clearly see each day, Understanding and inner standing the struggles in our world and Society, i have had the pleasure of speaking to many unhoused Men and Woman, and what is clear to me, and i want to share with you is that nothing ever really as it appears when it comes to the Unhoused Population in Big Cities. I meet Greg and George today, Greg did not want to be filmed, however George did not mind, both Gentleman took time and shared the incredible stories that lead to them being under the Expressway.

What our Volunteers and Clients are saying

I have never seen an Organization, that cover so many areas of support. and still remain humble in doing so. I have gain strength Knowledge and wisdom. I have learned to reach out to others while connecting with my own demons. I have learned we are all one situation from being in another mans shoes. and we should always walk in humility with  intent geared towards respect for nature and mankind as a whole

What our Volunteers and Community Workers are saying

I came to this Organization with a Drug and Alcohol problem On Probation for the forth time, i didn't feel like i could change at all, and i didn't feel like anyone cared or even noticed me, i had a chance to talk one on one with Ms. Asantaawa and after hearing her story, and looking in her face, i felt like i was at home. the only way i can explain it is, she told me. i can do anything i want to do. she said she believed in me. no body told me that before. she was open about her own life experiences which made me feel comfortable and not ashamed of the things i was always ashamed of. i have never talked to anyone like her before

Recent Comment

I talked to the Director on the phone about my situation, i am a survivor of many things, being abandoned by my Mom, in and out of Jail, always making the wrong choices, but feeling like they were right when i made them. i want to do better i felt like because i had no family, or support i couldn't do it. When Ms Asantaawa Share a bit of her life story with me, we both cried. i believe sisters should hold up each other, and the conversation i had with her lifted my spirits.i feel better today than i felt yesterday. And its all because of what was said to me, which was " you are not alone"

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